Why it's called Breezing?

On a hot summer day, we sat indoors doing accounting and were suddenly cooled by a breeze. We thought, wouldn't it be nice if crypto accounting was as satisfying as that breeze.

The team behind Breezing

Stronger in numbers isn't always true.

Bassil Eid

Bassil Eid

Founder and CEO

Bassil manages a crypto accounting firm in Switzerland called Detof.

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Selem Essaied

Selem Essaied

Founder and CTO

Selem has built countless consumer and business products.

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Bassil Eid

Bassil Eid

Founder and CEO

Bassil manages a crypto accounting firm in Switzerland called Detof.

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Selem Essaied

Selem Essaied

Founder and CTO

Selem has built countless consumer and business products.

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Why we're doing this?

In life your "Why" is everything, here is ours.

Our Problem

One Co-Founder runs a crypto accounting firm and feels the pain of the problem each and every day.

Web 3 Believers

One Co-Founder is a Fight Club fanatic in Web 3 and knows compliance will be key for mass adoption.

The Hang

We enjoy hanging with each other and our customers.

Feel the Breeze

Both founders really like mojitos and seem to bond over them during hot breezy days.

Our Mission and Vision


Accelerate the adoption of crypto by ensuring full financial compliance.


Contribute to a world where crypto is the primary form of currency.